Collection: Pu-erh

The representative of Yunnan dark tea is Pu-erh tea cake. It is produced after a long period of artificial fermentation (in piles with controlled temperature and humidity) of loose Yunnan green tea (Yunnan sun-baked green crude tea). It is usually made into compressed tea, such as the Qizibing (Seven Cakes) tea, brick tea, bowl tea, etc.

Pu-erh tea cake, very popular in the tea market today, is a representative of dark tea—one of the six basic types of tea. It is also the favorite among the types of dark tea. Growing in a pure environment, it is effective in improving digestion and controlling cholesterol and blood pressure. This has increased its function to meet the spiritual and physical need of the modern generation.

Loose leaf Pu-erh tea has more than one tea types, but normally is classified into raw tea and ripened tea according to the processing technique.

Raw Pu-erh tea-Uncooked Pu-erh

Green Maocha made from the large-leaf variety, is in either loose form or compressed form of different shapes. Loose leaf of Pu-erh tea can be considered as a vital raw component of Pu-erh tea cake.

Ripened Pu-erh Tea – Cooked Pu-erh

The raw tea stored and fermented naturally can be stored for more than 15 years. Pu-erh tea, after fermentation according to the traditional process, becomes milder.

In the 1970s, the artificial pile fermentation technique was introduced, enabling Pu-erh tea reach the desired quality in a short time. This kind of Pu-erh is called "Shu/Shou Pu-erh" literally ripe pu-erh tea or cooked pu-erh, i.e.

Pu-erh with artificial fermentation, or Pu-erh with modern processing. With this process accompanied by being aged in clean and dry warehouse for several month (sometimes for years), the tea could then be distributed in the market.

The high-quality ripe loose leaf of pu-erh tea is maroon or dark brown in color. The liquid is dark red, clear and tastes mellow, smooth and sweet, without any musty odor.