The Growing Area of Jasmine Scented Tea
Jasmine Flower
The jasmine flower is native to tropical and warm temperate regions with average atmospheric temperature above 20 degree C.
By far, Heng County at Guangxi Province has proven to be the most suitable place for the jasmine flower. This area is located at the sub-tropical monsoon climate zone. With this climate, the jasmine plant can easily over-go the winter without being frozen and ruined by the cold stream. The sufficient rainfall and sunshine is favorable to the growth of jasmine flowers.
During the blossoming period, the atmospheric temperature which is above 25 degree C is favorable. Besides, the soil condition is rich in organic substances which ensure exuberant growth of plant.
The jasmine plantation is located at the flat ground and hillside with good drainage and receives sufficient sunlight. The florescence of jasmine starts earlier and lasts for a longer period of time than other areas, and the yield is higher.
Besides, the naturally fertile soil condition gives rise to the flower bud which is bigger and gives a stronger fragrance. This can effectively reduce the quantity of flowers used for scenting; e.g., the amount of flowers used is only 70% compared to other areas.
The tea leaves used to make this jasmine pearl comes from the organic tea garden located at Ningde City (Ning-de Shi) at Fujian Province.
At Ningde City, the organic tea garden covered up to 70% of its total tea garden found here. This naturally preserved area is surrounded by several mountains.
Besides, there are at least 24 main river streams crossing this area at various locations.
Subsequently, the tea growing area is surrounded with fog throughout the year.
One of the essential factors for good green tea is its mellow taste. This taste originates from amino acid called theanine. Young buds contain high levels of theanine, but it is converted to polyphenol such as catechins when tea leaves receive sun light.
On the other hand, less sunshine will preserve high levels of theanine in the leaf as bio-conversion is not effectively taking place. Other than giving the mellow taste due to the substance contained in leaf, the optimum growing environment produce more fleshy buds and leaves, which gives a more refined outlook when rolled into pearl shapes.