About the Blooming Tea

About the Blooming Tea

Flowering teas, also known as blooming teas, performance teas, and display teas, among other names, are hand-sewed individual tea leaves forming a ball, and designed to perform an action when steeped in hot water, usually unfurling into decorative flower-like arrangements. Flowering teas are usually prepared in glass or otherwise transparent cups or mugs so that the performance can be seen. Flowering tea was created recently in the past 20 years in China. Most if not all flowering tea comes from China, as other tea origins (such as India, Sri Lanka, etc) have not picked up this new trend.

Flowering tea is mainly made of green tea leaves and freshly dried flowers. Some are made of black tea leaves, but for best display and taste, flowering tea made of green tea stays popular. Common flowers used in flowering teas include globe amaranth, carnation, chrysanthemum, jasmine, sweet Olive, lily, tea flowers, peony and marigold.

A delicate flower blooms inside this ball tea just before tiny flowers slowly cascade upward like Champagne bubbles. The flowers add their enlivening fragrance and strong taste to this delectably smooth green tea.
This blooming tea has an original shape of an tiny ball and when put in boiling water a bouquet of tea leaves and flower. The aromas of both flowers and tea leaves are very well preserved and these exceptional teas develop a wonderful flavor and create at the same time a beautiful "table decoration".

Once dropped into a glass of hot water, this ball tea unveils a broad flower followed by the sudden eruption of a flower plume, which is actually flowers sewn together end to end. The golden liquor yields a full-bodied flavor intensified by the large medicinal bloom.

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